These core beliefs shape the essence or our faith and practice:


We’re all in- Loving God with all my heart mind soul and strength. Loving people more than myself.


We’re always growing- By staying connected to God in prayer, His word and His people. God’s not done with you yet.


We’re aiming for authenticity- Living out a Spirit powered life of integrity wherever we live, work and play. Worship is our life’s song


We’re embracing unity- We respect, honor and value each other as God’s creation. Everyone’s welcome.


We’re serving- in the church and in the community.


We’re discipling- to make more disciples.


We’re using our gifts- We aren’t perfect, but we pursue excellence in all that we do. Nobody’s Perfect


Mission: The River exists to make disciples who make more disciples.

Vision: The River is a Christ-centered, body of believers who desire to touch and transform lives for Jesus Christ by being his hands, feet and voice in our world.

 RIVER Acrostic


·      Responding to God’s word and the Holy Spirit

·      Investing our lives in making disciples who make disciples.

·      Valuing Spiritual Growth in all people.

·      Equipping people to minister wherever they live, work, learn and play.

·      Reaching our community and beyond with the message of Jesus Christ.